Save the Sea Turtle Campaign Second Grade Art Lesson

Advanced Student (chalk pastels and oil pastels)
     Proficient Student (oil pastels, chalk pastels, construction paper, marker)

"Save the Sea Turtle Campaign" 
2nd Grade
Objective: TLW create a design around the endangered species the sea turtle.
Media choices: Oil pastels, chalk pastels, watercolors, color tissue paper, sharpie marker, color construction paper.

Materials available for choice:

I have found that making the materials available everyday easier if you have a set place for them. I have a "wet" table with paints, brushes, containers, and "nasty" rags. A "dry" table with oil pastels, markers, chalk pastels, color pencils, yarn, and crayons. Under the "dry" table are the cardboard boxes with an assortment of cardboard scrap pieces, poster board scrap pieces and a box of color tissue paper. Another section of the room has the "paper" table. This table has several types and sizes of paper to choose. 
  • White paper
  • Black construction paper
  • Color construction paper
  • Oil pastels
  • Chalk pastels
  • Watercolor
  • Tempera paints
  • Crayons
  • Markers
  • Color tissue paper
  • Coffee filters

Presentation of the video by Nikki Mo. 
I stop the video after the platter of foods we eat from the oceans. Discuss the video. How long can a sea turtle hold it's breath at rest? Think about that time (arrive at school until you leave the school).

"Green Sea Turtle - Art Lesson Plan-K-5 - Part 1 - Color Theory - Warm and Cool Colors"

Learning video on the sea turtle:


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